CVD is a shared concern


What is CVD?

CVD refers to Color Vision Deficiency, which is a condition that impacts 5 to 10 percent of Americans, according to the National Institute of Health.

Why are we doing this?

Despite being a prevalent issue, it is often underestimated. Individuals with CVD may face marginalization due to societal perceptions that their condition is less disruptive than others. This project aims to acknowledge the difficulties faced by those with CVD and provide tools to help them complete their daily tasks more independently.

9/2021 - 12/2021
10 weeks
Group Project
UX Researcher
UX Design Lead
User Interview
Hi-fi Prototype
Iterative Design

A quick glance at the problem


How could we assist members of the CVD community in overcoming their most commonly identified challenges?

Let's involve target users to explore opportunity gaps


By observing the online CVD community on Reddit and Twitter, we identified the five most challenging activities in their daily lives. To validate our observation and gain further insight, we conducted a survey and in-depth 1:1 interviews.


Our research and observation on the CVD community led us to identify the five most challenging activities in their daily lives: cooking, grocery picking, driving, shopping, and gaming.


total valid responses
have difficulties in grocery picking and gaming

have difficulties in shopping and cooking

User interview

user interviews
revised categories of challenge
consolidated goals from interviews

• We found that current tools are inadequate in addressing the core problem because they are heavily relied on a colorblind filter. Instead of believing the colorblind filter is a panacea for all problems, we realized that different scenarios require distinctive solutions and personalized support.  

• All participants preferred mobile apps as the platform of assistant tools over desktop apps and plugins. As a result, we adjusted the original 5 categories to 4 new ones: visualizing data, picking grocery, matching color when shopping, and cooking.

• Asking others for help is the most common workaround. However, participants also acknowledged the inconvenience because their friends and families may not always be available. Therefore, they expressed a need for a speedy and convenient tool to assist them.

• All participants took the online test to figure out their CVD types.


We discovered that while individuals with CVD may face few major, they encounter many minor difficulties in daily tasks. More importantly, the traditional methods of implementing a single colorblind are not effective in addressing these difficulties.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, so specialized support is the key ingredient


Individuals with CVD need specialized support for 4 specific scenarios, ranging from visualizing data to cooking, with speedy interaction.

Generating early concepts based on user research



I created 2 storyboards to illustrate the concept for various scenarios, in order to develop empathy and gain a deeper understanding of the user's perspective.


As a team, we collectively agreed on a set of adjectives to define the tone of the app.

Concept iterations

I led one of the usability tests, in which we evaluated the current mockups through user feedback and create iterative designs. The graph below illustrates the overall progression from sketches to low-fidelity mockups.

With directions in hand, it's Figma time!


Camera | Default mode
Help users to identify colors with a color picker, adjust colors with a slider, and filter colors through a specialized CVD filter.
Camera | Match color mode
Provide suggestions for matching colors based on a maximum of 3 given inputs.
Camera | Identify quality mode
Determine the rawness of meat and the ripeness of fruit. Users can manually train the system when incorrect identifications occur.
Incorporate two primary interactions: uploading new documents and viewing previous ones. In the file viewer mode, users can adjust the hue, saturation, and value for text and graphs.
CVD test
Besides helping users to figure out their CVD type, it could direct users to other educational resources to learn about their condition.

Revisiting the design goals to understand how we solved the problems


participants to evaluate the mockup

(excellence) on the system usability scale

Specialized supports for distinctive scenarios

We integrated various camera modes, such as visualizing data, picking groceries, matching colors while shopping, and cooking, into a single camera page for ease of use and memorization. Additionally, we separated the data visualization function, as it does not depend on the camera.  

Including CVD test

Since 3 /3 participants knew their CVD type from the online test, we included a CVD test on the main page, hoping to educate them about their CVD type and direct them to additional resources.

A speedy and convenient tool

Our app assists users based on their needs and does not require assistance from other individuals, making it more convenient and accessible."

Design details: From user testings to iterations


In order to optimize the user experience and interface, we conducted multiple usability tests with participants recruited from the questionnaire.

Mid - fi: Missing indications

2/3 participants pointed out confusion when using the color picker because of a lack of clear indication of the activated state and the distraction of the result (color name) from the interaction point (the cross on the screen).

Our solution: we added several indicators when activating the color picker and redesigned the layout to position the color name closer to the interaction point.

Hi - fi: Tedious interaction

All participants liked the specialized support for different scenarios. However, 2 / 3 participants found the interactions from the main page to the camera page tedious because 3 / 4 features always led to the camera page.

Our solution: we simplified the interactions by reorganizing different features into various camera modes on a single page.

What I learned from this project


• If this is an actual product, I should consider the feasibility of development and involve developers in the early stage of design.

• Understand the limitations of a mobile app -- how it restricts users' interactions with objects of interest.